Enhancing Soil & Crop
Sustainability in New Brunswick
OFCAF Program
The On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) is an initiative to help farmers tackle climate change. The Fund is part of the Government of Canada's Agricultural Climate Solutions initiative, which falls under the $4 billion Natural Climate Solutions Fund, a program managed by Natural Resources Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The objective of the Fund is to support farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of:
- nitrogen management
- cover cropping
- rotational grazing practices
These practices also provide other environmental benefits such as improved biodiversity and soil health.
Other activities to support the adoption of beneficial management practices, such as outreach, education and training are supported.
One must register to be able to make an application using the forms below. If you do not have a RAP # you can register by clicking here.
OFCAF Program Guidelines
Descriptions of eligible and ineligible BMP elements and activities are available in the Program Guidelines document.
OFCAF Program Assistance
Financial contributions will be provided for the following BMP elements (as recommended by a PAg. or CCA).
A. Nitrogen Management
a) Development of 3-year N-based Nutrient Management Plans will be funded at $1,500 for first 100 acres, plus $10 per additional acre; funded at 70% of actual costs to a maximum of $4,000 per recipient over the full program.
Development of 1 year N-based Fertility Plans will be funded at $500 for first 100 acres plus $5 per additional acre; funded at 70% of actual costs to a maximum of $2,000 per recipient per year
b) 70% up to $18.00 per acre to a maximum of $20,000 for geo-referenced soil testing and mapping to document OM, support variable rate application of amendments to enhance nitrogen fertilizer efficiency and the adoption of an additional specific nitrogen cover crop or rotational grazing BMP
c) 85% of regular fertilizer and urease and nitrification inhibitor price difference
d) 70% up to $70.00 per acre for purchasing legume seed from registered dealers listed by NBSCIA and planting cost to increase legumes in rotation
e) Offsetting higher cost of synthetic fertilizer substitutes (manure, compost, digestates, sludge), where applicable and when incorporated at 70% to a maximum of $70.00 per acre.
f) 70% of cost of fertilizer application equipment and equipment upgrades to a maximum of $30,000, to allow for split application, banding, side dressing, injection and must support the adoption of an additional specific nitrogen BMP.
g) 70% up to $10.00 per acre for cost of one split nitrogen application
h) If transitioning to better manure management; 70% of costs up to a maximum of $30,000 associated with improved manure incorporation to avoid volatilization and the adoption of an additional specific nitrogen BMP, listed above.
i) 85% of price difference between regular nitrogen fertilizer and PCUs
B. Cover Cropping
a) 70% up to $2,500 for professional service costs related to cover crop planning
b) 70% up to $70.00 per acre for purchasing certified or common seed of recommended cover crop species from registered dealers listed by NBSCIA and cost of planting (tillage and seeding) cover crops.
Plus $35.00 per acre if a legume is included in the mix and seeded prior to Aug 15.
c) Up to 70% of the cost of specialized equipment to better manage cover crops, leaving at least 6 inches (15cm) of cover crop growth over winter
C. Rotational Grazing
a) 70% up to $2,500 grazing management plans and technical assessments, 70% up to $4,000 for engineered designs
b) Up to 70% for rotational grazing infrastructure and installation (e.g., cross fencing, wildlife friendly fencing, temporary fencing, and waterers, including remote watering systems when powered by renewable energy)
c) 70% up to $70.00 per acre for purchasing certified or common seed of recommended legume and grass pasture mixtures from registered dealers listed by NBSCIA seeded prior to Aug 15 in a rotational pasture and cost of seeding for improved pasture composition
OFCAF Registration
The first step is to register as a New Brunswick agricultural producer to receive appropriate application forms. Registration requires a NBRAP number. If you do not have a NBRAP # you can register by clicking here.
NOTE: Adobe Reader is required to submit the form electronically. If you do not currently have Adobe Reader installed, it can be downloaded by clicking here.
After completing the form and clicking the submit button (at the top of the form) and if it does not seem to do anything, save the pdf to a known location on your computer. Open an email to ofcaf.facf@nbscia.ca, attach the OFCAF Registration pdf and send.
Detailed outlines of required information for project BMP elements and cost estimates.
Deadline for the first intake of 2024-2025 applications is April 30, 2024
for projects funded in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
Application Guidelines
OFCAF Education Bursary
Through the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) agrologists, certified crop advisors and farmers (with a Registered Professional Agricultural Producers number) residing in New Brunswick are eligible to receive 70% up to $5,000 of eligible expenses for the purpose of attending an educational conference or course outside of New Brunswick.