New Brunswick Soil & Crop Improvement Association
The soil and crop movement in New Brunswick began in 1977 through the formation of several local associations. The number of locals grew, and a provincial board comprised of two directors from each local was established -- New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association.
We have eight active locals: Northeast (CCNE), Northshore (Bathurst), Moncton, Chignecto (Sackville), Kings County, Central (Fredericton), Northwest (Edmundston) and Carleton County. Directors at both the local and provincial levels are volunteers. Annual membership fees are set by the provincial board with a portion remitted to the locals.
Services We Provide
GPS Mapping
Soil Sampling and Interpretation
Intensive Crop Management
Environmental Farm Plans
Crop Scouting
2023 NBSCIA Farm of the Year
We are pleased to announce the 2023 New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association Farm of the Year was awarded to Keswick River Farms. We want to congratulate Jeremy, David and Ida DuPlessis for their amazing efforts in improving sustainability on their farm.