Enhancing Soil & Crop
Sustainability in New Brunswick

New Brunswick Soil & Crop Improvement Association

The soil and crop movement in New Brunswick began in 1977 through the formation of several local associations. The number of locals grew, and a provincial board comprised of two directors from each local was established -- New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association.

We have eight active locals: Northeast (CCNE), Northshore (Bathurst), Moncton, Chignecto (Sackville), Kings County, Central (Fredericton), Northwest (Edmundston) and Carleton County. Directors at both the local and provincial levels are volunteers. Annual membership fees are set by the provincial board with a portion remitted to the locals.


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We had a busy week! Tuesday, NBSCIA hosted a dragline field day at Laforge Bioenvironmental Ltd. in Saint André. Jaques Laforge took us on a tour of the farms two biodigesters before heading out to the field to see a demo of their new dragline system.  The dragline system allows for minimal compaction and earlier entry onto fields in the spring to spread the digestate produced on farm. 
Wednesday, Kings county held their annual tillage day in Studholm Parish. Fundy Ag and Hall Bros. brought machinery to demo and display. 
Thank you again to all those who attended these field days, the host farms as well as the sponsors who made the events successful.

Nous avons eu une semaine chargée! Mardi, NBSCIA a organisé une journée de dragline à Laforge Bioenvironmental Ltd. à Saint André. Jaques Laforge nous a fait visiter les deux biodigesteurs de la ferme avant de se rendre sur le terrain pour voir une démonstration de leur nouveau système de dragline.  Le système de dragline permet un compactage minimal et une entrée plus précoce dans les champs au printemps pour répandre le digestat produit à la ferme.
Mercredi, le comté de Kings a tenu sa journée annuelle de travail du sol à Studholm Parish. Fundy Ag et Hall Bros. ont présenté des machines pour démonstration et exposition. 
Merci encore à tous ceux qui ont participé à ces journées de terrain, aux fermes hôtes ainsi qu’aux sponsors qui ont fait ces événements un succès.Image attachment

We had a busy week! Tuesday, NBSCIA hosted a dragline field day at Laforge Bioenvironmental Ltd. in Saint André. Jaques Laforge took us on a tour of the farm's two biodigesters before heading out to the field to see a demo of their new dragline system. The dragline system allows for minimal compaction and earlier entry onto fields in the spring to spread the digestate produced on farm.
Wednesday, Kings county held their annual tillage day in Studholm Parish. Fundy Ag and Hall Bros. brought machinery to demo and display.
Thank you again to all those who attended these field days, the host farms as well as the sponsors who made the events successful.

Nous avons eu une semaine chargée! Mardi, NBSCIA a organisé une journée de dragline à Laforge Bioenvironmental Ltd. à Saint André. Jaques Laforge nous a fait visiter les deux biodigesteurs de la ferme avant de se rendre sur le terrain pour voir une démonstration de leur nouveau système de dragline. Le système de dragline permet un compactage minimal et une entrée plus précoce dans les champs au printemps pour répandre le digestat produit à la ferme.
Mercredi, le comté de Kings a tenu sa journée annuelle de travail du sol à Studholm Parish. Fundy Ag et Hall Bros. ont présenté des machines pour démonstration et exposition.
Merci encore à tous ceux qui ont participé à ces journées de terrain, aux fermes hôtes ainsi qu’aux sponsors qui ont fait ces événements un succès.
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September 6th, 9:45 am
The Kings County Tillage Day is happening next Wednesday from 10:00am-3:00pm. This annual event always has lots of equipment to showcase and four dealerships will be there to answer all your questions. If you have any further questions regarding the event, contact Joseph Graham (506)567-0224. All are welcome and we hope to see you there!

The Kings County Tillage Day is happening next Wednesday from 10:00am-3:00pm. This annual event always has lots of equipment to showcase and four dealerships will be there to answer all your questions. If you have any further questions regarding the event, contact Joseph Graham (506)567-0224. All are welcome and we hope to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less

August 30th, 10:00 am
The Bioenvironmental Field Day is happening Tuesday, September 3rd in Saint André! This farm has a lot to share on how they are utilizing a biodigester to reduce their methane emissions. You dont want to miss it!

La journée bio-environnemental se déroule le mardi 3 septembre à Saint-André! Cette ferme a beaucoup à dire sur la façon dont elle utilise un biodigesteur pour réduire ses émissions de méthane. Vous ne voulez pas le manquer!Image attachment

The Bioenvironmental Field Day is happening Tuesday, September 3rd in Saint André! This farm has a lot to share on how they are utilizing a biodigester to reduce their methane emissions. You don't want to miss it!

La journée bio-environnemental se déroule le mardi 3 septembre à Saint-André! Cette ferme a beaucoup à dire sur la façon dont elle utilise un biodigesteur pour réduire ses émissions de méthane. Vous ne voulez pas le manquer!
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August 23rd, 10:00 am

Services We Provide

GPS Mapping

Soil Sampling and Interpretation

Intensive Crop Management

Environmental Farm Plans

Crop Scouting


2023 NBSCIA Farm of the Year

We are pleased to announce the 2023 New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association Farm of the Year was awarded to Keswick River Farms. We want to congratulate Jeremy, David and Ida DuPlessis for their amazing efforts in improving sustainability on their farm.
